Cheerful and sober film about Tony who is almost ten and very fond of his parents. His father rises from crane operator to minister. When his father falls in love with another woman, Tony calls in the Queen’s assistance.
Original and contemporary fairytale about divorce, in a cheerful and sober story about Tony, who is almost ten and very fond of his parents. His mother has a porcelain shop and his father Gilles is the best crane operator in the country. Tony thinks the world of his father. He regularly helps his father and every year on his birthday he can try out a new crane type, but he is not allowed to operate ‘the beast’ yet. His father rises up from crane operator to minister. One day, his parents are having a fierce argument and his father leaves the house. Tony does everything to reunite his parents and is helped by the Royal Family. He becomes one of the family, which has its advantages when he has to deliver a school talk on all the things a queen can do.
Production Design
Set geluid
Sound editing
Sound Design
Visual Effects
Gouden Kalf nominees
Other awards
Gouden Film (100.000 bezoekers speelfilm) (2012)
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