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Tussen 10 en 12

Director: Peter Hoogendoorn
On an ordinary sunny day, the life of a Rotterdam family is turned topsy-turvy. One minute, Mike is at home messing around with his girlfriend Katja, the next the police are at the door with terrible news and the two join the officers to search for Mike's parents and relay the news. In his cinema debut, based on a personal experience, Peter Hoogendoorn uses a tight, observing style to show how inept people can be when tragedy strikes - and how hard it is to vent their grief. The graveness of the situation conflicts with the sometimes tragicomic routine banality.
Title: Tussen 10 en 12
Year: 2015
Duration : 1 hour, 11 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 2015

Gouden Kalf nominees

Beste Scenario (2015)
Peter Hoogendoorn
Beste Actrice (2015)
Elise van 't Laar

Other awards

Prijs v.d. Nederlandse Filmkritiek (2015)

NFF Archive

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