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SpangaS in actie

Director: Jop de Vries
The pupils of the best-known secondary school in the Netherlands again make the move to the silver screen. In this second youth film based on the KRO-NCRV TV series, friendships are severely taxed. The Spangalis College has to go. Obviously, Raaf, Abel and their friends won’t let this happen. They revolt. But their occupation of the school doesn’t go as planned. When Raaf and Abel get into a flaming row, the once close-knit group of friends breaks up into two camps.
Title: SpangaS in actie
Year: 2015
Duration : 1 hour, 30 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 2015
Actie & AvontuurDramaFamiliefilm

Gouden Kalf nominees

Other awards

Gouden Film (100.000 bezoekers speelfilm) (2017)

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