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Director: Johan Timmers
Praying, brewing beer, playing table tennis, preparing nice meals; money and stress do not play any role in the lives of the five monks living harmoniously in a monastery in Wanroij. Until suddenly a group of construction workers disturb the peace. The cunning bishop Heijntjes has sold the monastery to the town council and now the fivesome in habit have to make way for a wellness centre with a parking lot. Resistance seems useless. But then the Jesus statue in the garden starts bleeding. Will the ‘Miracle of Wanroij’ save the friars in this comedy?
Title: Wonderbroeders
Year: 2014
Duration : 1 hour, 28 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 2015

Gouden Kalf nominees

Other awards

Gouden Film (100.000 bezoekers speelfilm) (2017)

NFF Archive

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