In the small Texan border town of La Joya, immigrants cross the river to reach the US every day. How does the local police force deal with this? And who really benefits from these border crossings?
‘It is an endless cycle,’ Chief Ramon Gonzalez realises in this revealing documentary about his attempts to bar immigrants from the United States. Since recently, Gonzalez heads a police unit patrolling the region around the Texan border town of La Joya. Here, Mexican immigrants cross the Rio Grande river on a daily basis, aided by people traffickers earning big money from these border crossings. But could the police themselves perhaps profit as well from the strong attraction of this little town?
Executive producer
Sound Design
Set geluid
Sound editing
Gouden Kalf nominees
Beste Sound Design (2024)
Kamila Wójcik
Beste Lange Documentaire (2024)
Loretta van der Horst
Beste Montage (2024)
Lot Rossmark