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Patatje oorlog

Director: Nicole van Kilsdonk
Larded with clay animations, this film tells about the girl Kiek, who performs magic acts to reduce the chance her father will be killed in a war zone.
Kiek is the daughter of a sober mother and an adventurous father, who regularly travels to war zones as a Red Cross doctor. On one of his missions he goes missing. Powerless Kiek tires to use magic acts to reduce the chance something nasty will happen to him, because, she reasons, a child with a dead mouse, a dead dog and a dead father, that’s impossible. Meanwhile, things are not going well with her role in the school musical and the relationship with her best friend. Unsentimentally, the film tells about the anxieties of a girl from the perspective of a young child. Her childlike imagination - with its unique logic - is visualised in funny clay animations. Patatje oorlog won the 2011 Cinekid Award for best Dutch film.
Title: Patatje oorlog
Year: 2011
Duration : 1 hour, 23 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 2012
Oorlog & Vrede

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