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De Daltons

Director: Rita Horst
Children's series about rivalry, friendship, jealousy, your place in the family, brotherhood and the mysteries of growing up. The story is told from the perspective of Tim (7) who lives with his parents at 123 Dalton Street. He has two elder brothers, Jelle and Erik, and one small one, Danny. Together they are like budding Daltons. Tim is at primary school and is not old enough to join in with his big brothers. And Danny is too small to play with. Tim is stuck in the middle. And you can't choose your brothers, you get saddled with them. In each episode we witness a minor household adventure. They look like insignificant events, but they make an unforgettable impression on Tim.
Roze vlak met wit logo Nederlands Film Festival
Title: De Daltons
Year: 2000
Duration : 1 hour
Type: Short TV drama
Edition: NFF 2000

Gouden Kalf nominees

Beste Televisiedrama (2000)
Rita Horst

Other awards

Prijs v.d. Nederlandse Filmkritiek (1999)

NFF Archive

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