The everyday lives of three young inhabitants of a village in Ghana, compared with the ambitious millennium goals set by the United Nations in 2000. In 2015, the poverty rate should be cut by half, all children will attend school and men and women will have equal rights.
Mary (21) wanted to become a nurse, but saw her future crumple when someone impregnated her. Today, she provides for her children by collecting firewood. Ruth (15) would also like to study to be a nurse. She figured out she will never be able to afford it, even if she will go mushrooming all her life. Gideon (14), too, has yet a long way to go before he will be a doctor.
Meanwhile, the film reminds us of the promises by Western countries that so far have brought Africa zilch. A regional development-aid worker ascribes it to the lack of understanding for the African culture. If the African solidarity gets a chance, things will improve. Mary, Ruth and Gideon, who are all by themselves, silently listen to his edifying talk.
Executive producer
Set geluid
Sound editing
Sound Design
Production company
Kaap Holland Film B.V.
TV company
NFF Archive
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