Using animations visualising the hilarious fantasies of hyper-active Brammetje Baas, this heart-warming family film broaches the topical issue of concentration problems in young children.
Family film playfully broaches the topical issue of concentration problems in young children. Seven-year-old Brammetje Baas thinks a lot about the world around him and often comes up with original ideas. He is also very keen about going to grade three, but he ends up in strict Mr. Vis’ class. This stringent teacher is blind to the cause, why this boy is so active and lacks concentration. He goes all out to make Brammetje keep step with the others. Brammetje’s parents struggle with the question to what extent they can demand their little son to adapt without becoming miserable. The solution lies in empathy with Brammetje’s perception of the environment. His hilarious fantasies are illustrated with cheerful animations.
Executive producer
Production Design
Set geluid
Sound editing
Sound Design
Gouden Kalf nominees
Other awards
Gouden Film (100.000 bezoekers speelfilm) (2012)
NFF Archive
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