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Another Dream

Director: Tamara Shogaolu
Interactive experience for two. This animated documentary and VR game in one makes you experience the love story of a lesbian couple who flee Egypt.
How do you build a new life when you know you will never be able to go back home? This question was the starting point for Tamara Shogaolu when making Another Dream. Another Dream is an animated documentary and VR game in one. The film tells the love story of a lesbian couple who, following the 2011 revolution, are fed up with the anger turned against the LHBTQ community and flee from Cairo to the Netherlands. Here, the pair hopes to find asylum as well as acceptance. Via the complementary installation, viewers can reflect on what they have seen, heard and felt in VR. Another Dream is the second instalment of Queer In A Time Of Forced Migration, an animated transmedia series documenting the stories of LGBTQ refugees from Egypt, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, amidst the 2011 revolution in the Middle East and North Africa, up to modern-day Europe.


Production company
Ado Ato Pictures
Sound editing
Title: Another Dream
Year: 2019
Duration : 23 minutes
Type: Interactive project
Edition: NFF 2019
LGBTQ+AnimatieMaatschappijReizenPolitiekGeschiedenisKunst & CultuurGender

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