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Allen tegen allen

This documentary unravels pre-war Dutch fascism. Was fascism a one-off historic phenomenon or is it timeless, a certain mentality?
This documentary combines unique archive footage and interviews, while asking questions about the rise and the state of fascism in the Netherlands. Apart from the universally known NSB, it turns out dozens of Dutch fascist movements were active in the 1920 and 1930s. This appears to be an unknown episode in history full of continuous quarrels, intrigue, rifts, fusions and little Führer. What initially looks like a comic confusion of bickering fascists eventually takes on ever darker shapes.


Executive producer
Sound Design
Title: Allen tegen allen
Year: 2019
Duration : 1 hour, 44 minutes
Type: Long Documentary
Edition: NFF 2020
Archive footageGeschiedenisOorlogMaatschappijPolitiek

Gouden Kalf nominees

Beste Muziek (2020)
Bram Meindersma

NFF Archive

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