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The latest, most innovative and extraordinary developments in (digital) storytelling will be discussed in several Digital Culture Talks during the Netherlands Film Festival (20 to 27 September).

Artist Talks

Storyspace Artist Talks

The works in the Digital Culture exposition Storyspace are diverse in form and in the experience of the story as a spectator.

VR, installations, performances and games alternate: a different form has been chosen for each story. Do you want to know all about the works competing for the Golden Calf for Best Digital Culture Production? Come to the Storyspace Artist Talks.

Friday 20-09-2024, 14:00 - 16:45
Bibliotheek Neude - Theaterzaal

Tupac Martir 169

NFF Prof Talk: Tupac Martir

In this Prof Talk, multimedia artist Tupac Martir takes us into his world of multimedia artists, VR and live performances.

Tupac Martir is the founder of Satore Studio and he has completed commissions for big names such as Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood and Beyoncé.

Saturday 21-09-2024, 11:00 - 13:00
Stadsschouwburg - Blauwe Zaal

Storyspace Sessions 2024

Storyspace Sessions: Fellows, Performers, and Poets Unite

Discover NFF's Digital Culture programme at Storyspace Sessions: Fellows, Performers, and Poets Unite. A stimulating and packed programme.

With performances, the screenings of the 2023/2024 Fellows, introductions of the new batch of Fellows and the announcement of the nominations for the Golden Calf Digital Culture.

Monday 23-09-2024, 14:00 - 17:00
Bibliotheek Neude - Theaterzaal

Distributie van Immersieve Ervaringen

NFF Conference: Distribution of Immersive Experiences

The Netherlands is home to the most wonderful interactive and immersive productions. However, when screening these, festivals, makers, producers and distributors run into major challenges. But there is hope!

In this session, we will learn about the new Distribution Scheme linked to the Immerse/Interact programme of the Film Fund and the Fonds Creatieve Industrie, which will start soon. Want to know more about the opportunities and possibilities? Come and listen and join the discussion!

*This Talk is Dutch spoken and is part of the NFF Conference 2024.

Tuesday 24-09-2024, 15:45-17:00
Stadsschouwburg Utrecht - Blue Hall

5 Kitten of Vluchteling Tina Farifteh

Masterclass: Tina Farifteh

What drives creators and what goes on behind the scenes? What can you learn from their work and career paths?

In this Masterclass, Tina Farifteh will take you through how film and research can come together based on her documentary Kitten or Refugee?.

*This Talk is Dutch spoken

Dinsdag 24-09-2024, 14:30 - 16:30
Stadsschouwburg Utrecht - Grote Zaal


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