Youth film is the sequel to the successful children's soap series Zoop and revolves around four boys and four girls who are trained as animal keepers in Ouwehands Dierenpark in Rhenen. In the film the Rangers are sent to a wildlife reserve in Africa to help endangered animal species. The director of the reserve can do without them looking over his shoulder and appears to be far from the animal lover they had expected. But before discovering this, their plane crashes in the jungle and they are stuck without water, food and make-up. Hoping to be found, they decide to split up the group. During their separate survival trips, they have all kinds of adventures. While one group is contending amorous ups and downs and dangerous wild beasts, the other is looking for the mysteriously vanished Bionda and end up in a black tribe, with a cooking pot. Zoop in Afrika attracted over a hundred thousand visitors and was therefore awarded as a Golden Film.
Executive producer
Production Design
Set geluid
Sound Design
Visual Effects
Gouden Kalf nominees
Other awards
Gouden Film (100.000 bezoekers speelfilm) (2005)
NFF Archive
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