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Ultrakort - Tabook

Director: Dario van Vree
Ultrashort animation film in which a girl in a book store is unexpectedly attracted by eccentric erotica. At the cash desk, will she openly admit her deepest desires?

In a book store, the 19-year-old Gwen is unexpectedly attracted by eccentric erotica. This elicits disapproving looks from the other customers. Ultrashort animation film around the question whether this young lady will be curbed by her embarrassment or, on the contrary, openly dare to admit her deepest desires.


Sound editing
Sound Design
Still photography
Production company
Studio Pupil
Distributor NL
KLIK! Distribution Service
Title: Ultrakort - Tabook
Year: 2016
Duration : 3 minutes
Type: Short TV drama
Edition: NFF 2016

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