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Rit over de grens

Director: Rosemarie Blank
In a documentary fashion this feature film follows a young restless German girl looking for her friend in Germany. A journey follows of cold, hunger, dirty shelters and chronic poverty.
Road movie annex feature about a restless German girl who lives with her dog in an old caravan on the edge of Amsterdam. The young girl leads an unstructured, nomadic existence. Wherever she is, something is always missing that she always expects to find somewhere else. She has only just settled in Amsterdam when she no longer knows what she is doing there. She leaves the caravan she has just acquired to go looking for a friend in Germany. Finding her is however only an alibi for an aimless journey on the off chance. Director Rosemarie Blank follows the girl in a documentary fashion on her journey to Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden and East Friesland. There isn't any romance in this life on the fringe, but plenty of cold, hunger, dirty shelters and chronic poverty.


Production company
Casa Film
Wüste Film Production
TV company
ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel
Title: Rit over de grens
Year: 1994
Duration : 1 hour, 34 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 1994

Gouden Kalf winner

Beste Regie (1994)
Rosemarie Blank

NFF Archive

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