Absurdist TV drama about Kirk, who at the age of 35 still lives with his dominant mother Ineke. Their indolent life is brutally interrupted by the arrival of their new, high-spirited neighbour Marcus. He slowly shakes Kirk awake and drives mother and son apart. Ineke does not trust the intruder and wants to win her son back. In the typical humoristic style of the Van Dijk sisters, an inconceivable part of Holland comes alive.
Executive producer
Production Design
Set geluid
Sound Design
Visual Effects
NFF Archive
You are now in the NFF Archive. The archive contains contains information on film, TV and interactive productions that were screened at past festival editions. The NFF does not dispose of this material. For this, please contact the producer, distributor or broadcaster. Sometimes, older films can also be found at the Eye Film Museum or the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.