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Nice Ladies

Director: Mariia Ponomarova
In this documentary, a team of elderly Ukrainian cheerleaders hang on to their friendship, as each deals with the war trauma in her own way.
The escalating war of Russia against Ukraine puts the mutual relationships of over-50s cheerleading team Nice Girls to the test. Will they choose for motherland or grandmotherhood, stay or flee? Team member Sveta and her family flee to the Netherlands. Team captain Valia and coach Nadia remain behind in the repeatedly shelled city of Kharkiv. This documentary shows how they, torn apart and despite Sveta’s survivor’s guilt, still try to stay in touch and not lose hope. Can they reunite, save their sisterhood and find a common language, despite the growing scars of war?


Nice Ladies

Sun 1 sep 12:00 AM - 1:32 AM, Watch home


Sound Design
Postproduction company
Production company
Dutch Mountain Film
Type: Feature Documentary
Theme: Society, Politics, Family & Friendship, Art & Culture

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