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Mijn zusje, de soldaat

Director: Dikla Zeidler
In 2010, the then 18-year-old Chamoetal, filmmaker Dikla Zeidler’s younger sister, started her two-year conscription at the PR department of the Israeli army. This was not so obvious, as she partly grew up in the Netherlands. Why this extreme choice? Dikla’s personal documentary reveals how a young girl transforms into a soldier who has to justify all actions by the military. For Dikla, the film is also a pretext to finally ask her father about his time in the Israeli army.
Title: Mijn zusje, de soldaat
Year: 2013
Duration : 53 minutes
Type: Short Documentary
Edition: NFF 2013
MaatschappijMediafonds 25 JaarInternationaalPolitiekNFF TalentGeschiedenis

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