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Horizon 11

Director: Jemairo del Prado, Jelani James
Two lovers on the run finally find a moment of peace, but a pent-up problem threatens to disrupt their assurance.

In the darkness under a bridge, Zen is anxiously waiting for his partner in crime, Rose. They take to their heels, but something is amiss. Rose starts talking about the next steps, about her fears. Zen does not want to hear it: tomorrow is a mystery, only today is a fact. In this short debut film, you feel like you are riding gunshot in a getaway car. Together, you race through the nocturnal city, passing police stations and high-rise buildings. Rose’s worries are reasonable, Zen’s positivity contagious. A film about the tension between enjoying the present and longing for tomorrow.


Korte Filmblok: Van mens tot mens

Wed 25 sep 12:00 AM - 12:52 AM, Watch home
In mijn tijd
23 minutes
17 minutes
De Ontmoeting - Marleen
7 minutes
Type: Short Film
Theme: Drama, Suspense & Crime, Love & Romance
