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Het teken van het beest

Director: Pieter Verhoeff
Jointer and clog maker IJje Wijkstra is an anarchist outcast, who shoots four country policemen when they come to get his girlfriend, who lodges with him, but is a married woman. The twice Golden Calf-winning feature film (Best Feature film and Best Actress, Marja Kok) is based on true events in 1929 in Grootegast in Groningen. The title stands for the protagonist's sign of Scorpio.
Title: Het teken van het beest
Year: 1980
Duration : 1 hour, 28 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 1991

Gouden Kalf winner

Beste Actrice (1981)
Marja Kok
Beste Lange Speelfilm (1981)
Pieter Verhoeff

NFF Archive

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