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De trip van Teetje

Director: Paula van der Oest
Tate, a young and crooked businessman, thinks he can get rich quick by buying a Russian freighter in the port of Rotterdam. This turns out to be a fiasco because the ship has been arrested, the freight has been sealed by the customs and the crew has been waiting for months for their wages. When his girlfriend falls in love with the ship's mate, Tate makes a decision. He takes pity on the suffering crew and tries to save them from their helpless predicament. De trip van Teetje (Tate's Voyage) is part of the Route 2000 project, four films focussing on the approaching millennium. Awarded the TVFilm Award in 1998.
Title: De trip van Teetje
Year: 1998
Duration : 1 hour, 30 minutes
Type: Feature film
Edition: NFF 2013
Mediafonds 25 JaarMaatschappij

Gouden Kalf nominees

Beste Acteur (1998)
Cees Geel
Beste Regie (1998)
Paula van der Oest
Beste Actrice (1998)
Thekla Reuten

Other awards

TVFilmprijs (1998)

NFF Archive

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