Three-part television series inspired by the curious events in the forests of North Limburg during the war. With liberation in sight, a resistance group captured more than thirty German soldiers.
Three-part television series inspired by the curious events in the forests of North Limburg during the war. With liberation in sight, a resistance group captured more than thirty German soldiers. When the Gestapo found out, the group had to flee from one hiding place to the next with their prisoners. Scriptwriter Jan Blokker did not try to reconstruct the facts, but to imagine events. He has a reporter talk to the aged partisans fifty years later so events can be seen from a contemporary point of view. The Partisans is not a series about Dutch heroes and hard-hearted Germans, but a drama about moral dilemmas, memory and the colour that time gives to reminiscences.
Production Design
Set geluid
Production company
TV company
Gouden Kalf winner
Beste Televisiedrama (1995)
Theu Boermans
Beste acteerprestatie TV Drama (1995)
Huub Stapel
NFF Archive
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