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De kroon

Director: Peter de Baan
Political drama, balancing between fact and fiction, follows the events leading up to the marriage between Willem-Alexander and Máxima. Prime minister Kok (Bram van der Vlugt) tries to avert a cabinet crisis and sends Minister of State Max van der Stoel (Eric van der Donk) to New York to inform father Zorreguieta that he is not welcome at his daughter's wedding, due to the controversial role he played in the Videla regime in the seventies.


Production Design
Set geluid
Production company
Riba Filmproductions BV
TV company
Title: De kroon
Year: 2005
Duration : 1 hour, 40 minutes
Type: Long TV drama
Edition: NFF 2005

Gouden Kalf winner

Beste Televisiedrama (2005)
Peter de Baan

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