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De Jackies

Director: Elvira Porcedda
"Meeting yourself is really a bureaucratic hell." Adolescent Jackie meets her future self, who confronts her with her inner struggles and the hard reality of tomorrow.
After a wild night out, Jackie (17) feels emptier than ever. After a near-collision, she meets a woman who claims she is Jackie from a distant future. What does this future look like? And why is the future Jackie here now? Together, they discuss her life and how this is the time she suffers most. That things will become easier, and also harder — and that the Jackies should save the world. This debut film reminds us of the pain of adolescence and of the fact that, nonetheless, the overwhelming greatness and smallness of life are worth it.


Korte Filmblok: In between realities

Wed 25 sep 12:00 AM - 12:54 AM, Watch home
Big Boys Biker Bende
19 minutes
7 minutes
Type: Short Film
Theme: Coming of Age, Science Fiction

Gouden Kalf nominees

Other awards

Filmprijs van de Stad Utrecht (2024)
