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Director: Remco Polman, Jantiene de Kroon
Dystopic, hand-drawn short thriller in which an office clerk frenetically tries to keep a grip on his life, after the arrival of a bounty hunter who is aiming for certain groups.
In this dystopic thriller, office clerk Amouf is faced with a hate-mongering bounty hunter who is aiming for certain groups. For those belonging to the type this flamboyant character wants to rid the world of, his rise entails a grave danger. For Amouf, for example. But he is not a brave man by birth.Will he somehow manage to offer resistance?Hand-drawn twenty-minute animation, with some 323 shots and no fewer than 800 character animations.


Production company
Co-production company
Lunanime BV
Distributor NL
Kaboom Distribution
KLIK Distribution
Title: Camouflage
Year: 2021
Duration : 20 minutes
Type: Short Feature
Edition: NFF 2021

Gouden Kalf nominees

Beste Korte Film (2021)
Remco Polman
Beste Korte Film (2021)
Jantiene de Kroon

NFF Archive

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