English-spoken psychological thriller, loosely based on actual events. The English 19-year-old Julie works as an au pair for a rich Italian couple. She does not have an easy job. While the master of the house (Derek de Lint) flirts with her, the mother blames her for paying too much attention to the father. Because Julie is very fond of their baby Claudio, she decides to stay with the family as an au pair. However, when Claudio dies in a mysterious fire that reduces the family house to ashes, Julie is suspected by everyone. She goes through a nightmare when nobody believes she is innocent. She is accused of witchcraft by the Italian press and puts her fate in the hands of the lawyer Antonio Gabrieli.
Production Design
Set geluid
Production company
Movie Masters
Gouden Kalf nominees
Beste Regie (2001)
Kenneth Hope
NFF Archive
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