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Kitten of Vluchteling?

Director: Tina Farifteh
Why do we pick up one refugee ourselves and let the other freeze to death on the European border? Isn’t it dangerous to take empathy as a guiding principle? The Iranian-Dutch photographer and visual artist Tina Farifteh investigates.
The way we relate to the 'other' manifests itself in absurd ways on the European borders. We let one group of people drown or freeze to death or we violently push them back. Others we pick up with our own cars, giving them blankets and teddy bears. What has gotten into us? The Iranian-Dutch artist Tina Farifteh explores the two extreme sides of us as human beings and the mechanism of fleeting empathy porn. A dog trimmer who took in a Ukrainian family with 25 dogs, a young relief worker, an activist and several scientists shed light on the matter. If it’s so easy to manipulate us, isn’t it dangerous to take empathy as a guiding principle? Who do we put on top of the empathy ladder; who is dangling at the bottom? And where is Tina herself, as a woman of colour?
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Title: Kitten of Vluchteling?
Year: 2023
Duration : 29 minutes
Type: Short documentary
Edition: NFF 2023

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