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Ga terug en haal het

Director: Clarice Gargard
The Black Lives Matter marches were the biggest anti-black-racism protests in the world. What does the future look like now? Were they the hoped-for tipping point in history? A question, posed to everyday resistance fighters in the Netherlands and Suriname and on Curaçao.
In June 2020, the Black Lives Matter marches turned the world upside down. In Ga terug en haal het, director Clarice Gargard wonders if this was a tipping point in history. To answer this question, she embarks on a journey, led by an omniscient guide, through time and space. In the Netherlands and Suriname and on Curaçao, she brings back memories of everyday resistance fighters, hoping they will tell her something about the future.


Executive producer
Sound Design
Sound editing
Production company
Tomtit film
TV company
Postproduction company
Fever Film
Title: Ga terug en haal het
Year: 2022
Duration : 54 minutes
Type: Short documentary
Edition: NFF 2023

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