This sci-fi series welcomes you to Arcadia, where scores rule. But what if you, like your father Pieter, cheat and are expelled to the perilous outer world? And what would be your personal citizen’s score?
Big international coproduction, situated in a newly developed society in the near future. The fate of the citizens of Arcadia depends on their individual scores. The Hendriks family is doing well. Until it turns out the father of the family has cheated with his daughters’ scores. The punishment: banishment to the outer world, where his chances of survival are minimal. His wife and four daughters stay behind, but they do get a deduction of points. Bye bye privileges! How does the family stand their ground in this drama series set in a seemingly perfect society, which in reality revolves around deceit and treason? Will they choose each other or is it everyone for themselves?
Production Design
Sound Design
Visual Effects
Cast (bijrol)
NFF Archive
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