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NFF gives digital stories and productions the space they deserve – a chance to experience and marvel at the wealth of Dutch digital culture.

Ten projects have been selected in the competition for the Golden Calf for Digital Culture. You can see seven of the projects from 22 to 29 September in Storyspace, the exhibition in the central hall of the Neude Library. The digital productions take innovative and original approaches to storytelling at the intersection of technology, art and science, and in a variety of forms: VR, XR, AR, apps, games, web series, installations and performances. This year’s selection is extremely diverse – from small, challenging or experimental to sensational, mainstream and blockbusting – offering a view across the entire spectrum of digital culture in the Netherlands.

See in Storyspace:
- Biodiversiteit in Augmented Reality
- Horizon Forbidden West
- LAWKI (Life As We Know It)
- Maandverbond
- Symbiosis
- Un(re)solved
- Wadoeje

Gouden Kalf Competitie
